Patron of the Arts

Year: 1994
Artist: Jimmy Durante

Other albums by Jimmy Durante

Facts about the album "Patron of the Arts"

Album Title: Patron of the Arts
Artist: Jimmy Durante

Meta Information: "Patron of the Arts" is a captivating album showcasing the multifaceted talents of Jimmy Durante, one of the most iconic entertainers of the 20th century. Released during a time when Durante's career was at its peak, this album celebrates his contributions to the arts as a singer, comedian, and philanthropist.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Philanthropic Efforts: Jimmy Durante was not only known for his entertainment career but also for his philanthropic endeavors. Throughout his life, Durante supported various charitable causes, including those related to the arts, education, and healthcare. "Patron of the Arts" pays homage to Durante's philanthropic legacy, honoring his commitment to giving back to the community and supporting the next generation of artists.

  2. Enduring Influence: Jimmy Durante's influence extends beyond his lifetime, with his unique style and personality continuing to inspire performers in various fields of the arts. Whether through his distinctive voice, comedic timing, or heartfelt performances, Durante left an indelible mark on popular culture that continues to resonate with audiences today. "Patron of the Arts" serves as a testament to Durante's lasting impact on the entertainment industry and his role as a patron of artistic excellence.

  3. Artistic Collaborations: Throughout his career, Jimmy Durante collaborated with a diverse array of artists across different mediums, from musicians and composers to actors and visual artists. "Patron of the Arts" showcases some of Durante's most memorable collaborations, offering listeners a glimpse into the creative partnerships that shaped his artistic journey. Whether performing alongside fellow entertainers or supporting emerging talents, Durante's collaborative spirit and enthusiasm for the arts shine through on this album.
