Great Schnozzle

Year: 1998
Artist: Jimmy Durante

Other albums by Jimmy Durante

Facts about the album "Great Schnozzle"

Album Title: Great Schnozzle
Artist: Jimmy Durante

Meta Information: "Great Schnozzle" is a delightful album showcasing the iconic talent and larger-than-life personality of Jimmy Durante, affectionately known as the "Great Schnozzola". Released during a period when Durante's popularity was at its peak, this album captures the essence of the beloved entertainer through a selection of his most memorable recordings and comedic performances.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Nickname Origin: Jimmy Durante earned the nickname "The Great Schnozzola" due to his prominent and distinctive nose, which became a trademark feature of his persona. Durante embraced his nickname with humor and affection, incorporating it into his performances and endearing himself to audiences with his self-deprecating wit.

  2. Vaudeville Roots: Before achieving fame in radio, film, and television, Jimmy Durante honed his skills as a performer in vaudeville theaters across the United States. His experience in vaudeville shaped his comedic style, musical repertoire, and stage presence, laying the foundation for his successful career as an entertainer.

  3. Catchphrases and Quirks: Jimmy Durante was known for his colorful personality, infectious humor, and memorable catchphrases, which endeared him to audiences worldwide. Whether delivering his iconic sign-off, "Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are", or peppering his performances with playful asides and ad-libs, Durante's unique charm and wit are on full display in "Great Schnozzle", making it a cherished keepsake for fans of the legendary entertainer.
