Jimmy Durante's Way of Life...

Year: 1965
Artist: Jimmy Durante

Other albums by Jimmy Durante

Facts about the album "Jimmy Durante's Way of Life..."

Album Title: Jimmy Durante's Way of Life...
Artist: Jimmy Durante
Genre: Traditional Pop, Vaudeville

"Jimmy Durante's Way of Life..." offers a delightful musical journey through the iconic entertainer's illustrious career. With his distinctive gravelly voice and charismatic charm, Jimmy Durante brings a unique blend of humor, heart, and nostalgia to each performance. This album showcases Durante's timeless appeal as he delivers a captivating mix of traditional pop standards, vaudeville classics, and witty anecdotes that embody his incomparable style and irrepressible spirit.

Interesting Facts:

  1. The Schnozzola: Jimmy Durante's trademark feature was his prominent nose, which earned him the affectionate nickname "The Schnozzola". His distinctive appearance became an integral part of his persona, often referenced in his performances and immortalized in popular culture. Durante's endearing embrace of his physical attributes endeared him to audiences and contributed to his enduring popularity as a beloved entertainer.

  2. Broadway and Film Career: In addition to his success as a singer and comedian, Jimmy Durante enjoyed a prolific career on Broadway and in film. He appeared in numerous stage productions and starred in several Hollywood movies, showcasing his versatility as a performer. Durante's larger-than-life presence and comedic prowess made him a sought-after talent in both the entertainment industry and the world of live performance.

  3. Philanthropic Legacy: Behind his larger-than-life persona, Jimmy Durante was known for his generous spirit and philanthropic endeavors. He was actively involved in charitable work, supporting causes related to children's healthcare and education. Durante's commitment to giving back to his community earned him admiration and respect, cementing his legacy not only as an entertainment icon but also as a compassionate humanitarian.
