Canto Libre

Year: 1970
Artist: Victor Jara

Other albums by Victor Jara

Facts about the album "Canto Libre"

Album Title: Canto Libre
Artist: Víctor Jara
Genre: Nueva Canción, Folk

"Canto Libre" is an album by Chilean singer-songwriter Víctor Jara, a seminal figure in the Nueva Canción movement. The album features Jara's distinctive vocals, poignant lyrics, and acoustic guitar accompaniment, embodying the spirit of social activism and cultural expression.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Nueva Canción Pioneer: Víctor Jara played a pivotal role in popularizing the Nueva Canción genre, which emerged in Latin America during the 1960s as a form of socially conscious folk music. His songs often addressed themes of political oppression, social injustice, and human rights, resonating with audiences across the region.

  2. Political Activism: Beyond his musical contributions, Víctor Jara was a fervent political activist who used his platform to advocate for social change. He was actively involved in leftist political movements in Chile and played a prominent role in supporting the presidency of Salvador Allende, whose government was overthrown in a military coup in 1973.

  3. Tragic End: Víctor Jara's life was tragically cut short during the military coup d'état in Chile in 1973. He was arrested, tortured, and ultimately killed by the military regime led by General Augusto Pinochet. Jara's death transformed him into a symbol of resistance and solidarity, inspiring generations of activists and artists around the world.
