Victor Jara

Songs: 27
Albums: 11


Victor Jara - Antologia Musical
Antologia Musical
2003, songs: 8
Victor Jara - Coleccion
2003, songs: 1
Victor Jara - Deja la Vida Volar
Deja la Vida Volar
1998, songs: 3
Victor Jara - Vientos del Pueblo
Vientos del Pueblo
1976, songs: 2
Victor Jara - Te Recuerdo Amanda
Te Recuerdo Amanda
1974, songs: 1
Victor Jara - Canto Libre
Canto Libre
1970, songs: 4
Victor Jara - Victor Jara [1966]
Victor Jara [1966]
1966, songs: 1

Facts about Victor Jara

Victor Jara
  1. Early Life and Activism: Victor Jara was born on September 28, 1932, in Lonquén, Chile. He grew up in a working-class family and developed an interest in music and social justice from a young age. Jara became actively involved in political activism and the labor movement during his youth, advocating for workers' rights and social equality in Chile.

  2. Music Career: Victor Jara was a prolific singer-songwriter and a prominent figure in the Nueva Canción Chilena (New Chilean Song) movement, which emerged in the 1960s and aimed to use music as a tool for social change and political activism. His music often addressed themes of love, poverty, oppression, and resistance, resonating with audiences across Latin America and beyond. Jara's distinctive voice, emotive lyrics, and simple yet powerful melodies made him a beloved icon of the folk music genre.

  3. Political Persecution and Death: Following the military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet on September 11, 1973, Victor Jara was targeted for his leftist political beliefs and his role as a symbol of resistance through music. He was arrested, tortured, and ultimately murdered by the military regime. Jara's tragic death at the hands of the dictatorship sparked international outrage and galvanized support for the anti-Pinochet movement in Chile.

  4. Legacy and Influence: Despite his untimely death, Victor Jara's music and activism continue to inspire people around the world. His songs, such as "Te Recuerdo Amanda" ("I Remember You, Amanda") and "El Derecho de Vivir en Paz" ("The Right to Live in Peace"), remain anthems of hope and defiance for those fighting against oppression and injustice. Jara's legacy as a musician, poet, and martyr for social justice has been celebrated through tributes, documentaries, and artistic works that honor his memory and commemorate his contributions to the struggle for human rights.

  5. Posthumous Recognition: In Chile, Victor Jara is revered as a national hero and a symbol of resistance against dictatorship. His name has been immortalized through streets, parks, and cultural centers named in his honor. In 2009, the Chilean government declared September 28, the day of Jara's birth, as the "Day of the National Indigenous Peoples and Victor Jara". Internationally, Jara's music continues to be celebrated by artists and activists who share his commitment to social justice and human rights.
