Get Yr Blood Sucked Out

Year: 2006
Artist: Viva Voce

Facts about the album "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out"

Album Title: Get Yr Blood Sucked Out
Artist: Viva Voce

Meta Information: "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out" is the fourth studio album by the American indie rock band Viva Voce, released on September 12, 2006. The album showcases Viva Voce's distinctive blend of indie rock, psychedelic folk, and garage rock influences, featuring a collection of eclectic songs characterized by lush harmonies, swirling guitars, and haunting melodies. With its evocative lyrics and atmospheric soundscapes, "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out" offers listeners a captivating sonic journey that explores themes of love, loss, and transformation.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Husband-Wife Duo: Viva Voce is composed of Kevin Robinson and Anita Robinson, a husband-wife duo known for their musical partnership and creative synergy. Together, they share songwriting duties, instrumental performances, and vocal harmonies, creating a unique musical dynamic that defines the band's sound. "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out" showcases the Robinsons' collaborative spirit and their ability to craft evocative songs that blur the lines between genres and captivate listeners with their raw emotion and authenticity.

  2. Musical Experimentation: "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out" represents a period of musical experimentation and exploration for Viva Voce, as the band delves into new sonic territories and expands their sonic palette. The album features a diverse range of musical influences, from the psychedelic rock of "Faster Than a Dead Horse" to the dreamy pop melodies of "We Do Not F**k Around". This adventurous spirit and willingness to push the boundaries of their sound contribute to the album's rich and dynamic sonic landscape, inviting listeners on a journey of sonic discovery and emotional resonance.

  3. Critical Acclaim: "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out" received widespread critical acclaim upon its release, with music critics praising its inventive songwriting, lush production, and atmospheric soundscapes. The album was lauded for its seamless blend of indie rock, folk, and psychedelic influences, as well as its emotionally resonant lyrics and haunting melodies. "Get Yr Blood Sucked Out" solidified Viva Voce's reputation as one of the most innovative and compelling bands in the indie rock scene, earning them a dedicated fanbase and establishing their place in the pantheon of modern rock music.
