Début de Siècle

Year: 2001
Artist: Virtual Alien

Facts about the album "Début de Siècle"

Album: Début de Siècle
Artist: Virtual Alien
Genre: Electronic, Experimental

"Début de Siècle" is an experimental electronic album by the artist Virtual Alien. This album pushes the boundaries of electronic music with its innovative soundscapes and abstract compositions.

Three interesting facts about "Début de Siècle" and Virtual Alien:

  1. Conceptual Exploration: "Début de Siècle" serves as a sonic exploration of the turn of the century, blending futuristic elements with nostalgic undertones. Virtual Alien creates a unique musical landscape that reflects the uncertainty and technological advancements of the early 2000s, offering listeners a glimpse into an alternate reality.

  2. Virtual Alien Persona: Virtual Alien is a pseudonymous artist who remains shrouded in mystery, with little known about their true identity. The persona of Virtual Alien adds an air of intrigue to the project, allowing the music to speak for itself without the influence of celebrity or personal identity.

  3. Collaborations and Sampling: "Début de Siècle" features collaborations with various musicians and incorporates sampling from a wide range of sources, including film dialogue, field recordings, and obscure sound clips. These elements add depth and texture to the album's sonic palette, creating an immersive listening experience that challenges traditional notions of electronic music.
