Virgin Steele

Songs: 93
Albums: 10


Virgin Steele - The Book of Burning
The Book of Burning
2002, songs: 7
Virgin Steele - Invictus
1999, songs: 11
Virgin Steele - Life Among the Ruins
Life Among the Ruins
1992, songs: 8
Virgin Steele - Age of Consent
Age of Consent
1988, songs: 13
Virgin Steele - Virgin Steele
Virgin Steele
1982, songs: 1

Facts about Virgin Steele

Virgin Steele
  1. Formation and Early Years: Virgin Steele is an American heavy metal band formed in 1981 by guitarist Jack Starr and vocalist David DeFeis. The band originated in Long Island, New York, and initially began as a power metal and traditional heavy metal outfit. In the early years, Virgin Steele released their debut album, "Virgin Steele" in 1982, followed by "Guardians of the Flame" in 1983, establishing themselves as a force within the metal underground.

  2. Musical Style and Evolution: Over the years, Virgin Steele's musical style evolved, incorporating elements of symphonic metal, progressive rock, and classical music influences. The band became known for their epic compositions, intricate arrangements, and theatrical stage performances. Albums like "Noble Savage" (1985) and "Age of Consent" (1988) showcased their ambitious approach to songwriting and production, blending heavy metal with classical instrumentation and operatic vocals.

  3. Concept Albums and Epic Themes: One of Virgin Steele's defining characteristics is their penchant for concept albums and epic lyrical themes. Throughout their discography, the band has explored mythological, historical, and philosophical concepts, weaving intricate narratives and storytelling into their music. Albums like "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" (Part I & II) and "Invictus" (2008) exemplify Virgin Steele's epic storytelling and grandiose musical vision.

  4. Critical Acclaim and Fan Base: Despite limited mainstream success, Virgin Steele has garnered critical acclaim and developed a dedicated fan base over the years. Their intricate compositions, powerful vocals, and emotionally charged performances have earned them praise from metal critics and enthusiasts alike. Virgin Steele's music resonates with fans who appreciate the band's combination of melodic sensibility, technical prowess, and thematic depth.

  5. Longevity and Resilience: Throughout their decades-long career, Virgin Steele has endured lineup changes, label issues, and shifts in musical trends. Despite these challenges, the band has remained committed to their artistic vision and continued to release albums and tour regularly. Their resilience and dedication to their craft have earned them respect within the metal community and solidified their status as stalwarts of the genre.

Overall, Virgin Steele's contribution to the heavy metal genre is significant, with their expansive discography and epic compositions leaving a lasting impact on the metal landscape. Their
