
Songs: 2
Albums: 1

Facts about Viper

  1. Brazilian Hip-Hop Artist and Producer: Viper, also known as MC Viper or Rapper P, is a prominent figure in the Brazilian hip-hop scene. Born Marcelo D2 on November 5, 1967, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he gained fame in the 1990s as a member of the pioneering hip-hop group Planet Hemp before embarking on a successful solo career.

  2. Role in Planet Hemp: In the early 1990s, Viper co-founded Planet Hemp, a groundbreaking hip-hop group known for its socially conscious lyrics, political activism, and fusion of hip-hop, rock, and reggae influences. Planet Hemp's music addressed issues such as poverty, inequality, and drug legalization, resonating with audiences and sparking debates in Brazil. The group released several critically acclaimed albums, including "Usuário" (1995) and "Os Cães Ladram Mas a Caravana Não Pára" (1997), before disbanding in 2001.

  3. Solo Career and Musical Evolution: Following the breakup of Planet Hemp, Viper embarked on a successful solo career, releasing albums that showcased his versatility as a rapper, singer, and songwriter. His solo debut, "Eu Tiro É Onda" (1998), featured a blend of hip-hop, funk, and samba rhythms, reflecting Viper's eclectic musical influences and his roots in the vibrant cultural landscape of Rio de Janeiro. Subsequent albums, including "À Procura da Batida Perfeita" (2003) and "Meu Samba é Assim" (2016), further established Viper as a leading figure in Brazilian hip-hop.

  4. Collaborations and Influences: Throughout his career, Viper has collaborated with a diverse range of artists across different genres, contributing to the cross-pollination of musical styles and cultural influences in Brazilian music. He has worked with prominent musicians such as Seu Jorge, Nando Reis, and Fernanda Abreu, expanding his creative horizons and pushing the boundaries of hip-hop in Brazil. Viper's music reflects his deep appreciation for Brazilian musical traditions, as well as his commitment to innovation and experimentation.

  5. Social and Political Activism: In addition to his musical endeavors, Viper is known for his outspoken advocacy on social and political issues in Brazil. He has used his platform as an artist to raise awareness about topics such as racial inequality, police violence, and environmental conservation. Viper's activism is reflected in his music, which often addresses the challenges facing marginalized communities and calls for social justice and reform. Through his art and activism, Viper continues to inspire and empower listeners to engage with pressing issues facing Brazilian society.
