Vice Squad

Songs: 17
Albums: 6


Vice Squad - Riot City Years
Riot City Years
2003, songs: 1
Vice Squad - Lo-Fi Life
Lo-Fi Life
2000, songs: 2
Vice Squad - BBC Sessions
BBC Sessions
1998, songs: 3
Vice Squad - Live and Loud
Live and Loud
1995, songs: 4

Facts about Vice Squad

Vice Squad

Vice Squad is a British punk rock band that emerged during the late 1970s, known for their energetic live performances and politically charged lyrics. Here are some facts about the band:

  1. Formation and Early Years: Vice Squad was formed in Bristol, England, in 1978 by vocalist Beki Bondage (Rebecca Louise Bond) and guitarist Dave Bateman. The band quickly gained attention within the UK punk scene for their raw energy and confrontational lyrics, addressing social and political issues of the time.

  2. Influential Debut Album: In 1981, Vice Squad released their debut album, "No Cause for Concern", which received critical acclaim and solidified their reputation as one of the leading bands in the British punk movement. The album featured anthemic tracks like "Stand Strong Stand Proud" and "Out of Reach", showcasing the band's aggressive musical style and Bondage's powerful vocals.

  3. Lineup Changes and Continued Activity: Over the years, Vice Squad experienced several lineup changes, with Beki Bondage being the sole constant member throughout the band's various incarnations. Despite these changes, Vice Squad continued to release albums and tour extensively, maintaining a loyal fanbase both in the UK and abroad. Their discography includes albums like "Shot Away", "Defiant", and "Rich and Famous".

  4. Impact and Legacy: Vice Squad's music and activism have left a lasting impact on the punk rock genre. Their fierce independence and commitment to social justice have resonated with fans, while their high-energy live performances have earned them a reputation as one of the most exciting punk bands to see live. Vice Squad's influence can be heard in the work of subsequent generations of punk and alternative rock musicians.

  5. Reunion and Continued Activity: Despite taking breaks and lineup changes over the years, Vice Squad has periodically reunited and continued to perform and record. Beki Bondage remains a central figure in the band's activities, and their music continues to find new audiences, reaffirming their status as one of the enduring pillars of the British punk rock scene.

Overall, Vice Squad's combination of catchy punk anthems, socially conscious lyrics, and dynamic live performances has solidified their place in the pantheon of punk rock legends, ensuring that their music remains relevant and influential decades after their formation.
