Night Tripper

Year: 1994
Artist: Vic Juris

Other albums by Vic Juris

Vic Juris - For the Music
For the Music
1992, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Night Tripper"

Album Title: Night Tripper
Artist: Vic Juris

Meta Information: "Night Tripper" encapsulates the mesmerizing musical journey crafted by guitarist Vic Juris, inviting listeners to embark on a nocturnal exploration of sound and emotion. Released as a sonic odyssey through the depths of jazz fusion and beyond, this album showcases Juris's virtuosity and innovative spirit as he navigates a sonic landscape that is both ethereal and exhilarating. With its evocative melodies, intricate harmonies, and pulsating rhythms, "Night Tripper" transports audiences to a realm where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, leaving them spellbound by the hypnotic allure of Juris's musical vision.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Fusion Fusion: "Night Tripper" represents Vic Juris's foray into the realm of jazz fusion, blending elements of traditional jazz with rock, funk, and other genres to create a sound that is both eclectic and electric. His innovative approach to fusion music pushes the boundaries of convention, resulting in a sonic tapestry that is as adventurous as it is exhilarating.

  2. Collaborative Exploration: Throughout "Night Tripper", Vic Juris collaborates with a dynamic ensemble of musicians who share his passion for musical exploration and improvisation. Together, they embark on a collaborative journey through a series of original compositions and spontaneous improvisations, each one pushing the boundaries of creativity and pushing the limits of what is possible in jazz.

  3. Experimental Spirit: With its bold experimentation and fearless exploration of new sonic territories, "Night Tripper" showcases Vic Juris's adventurous spirit and willingness to take risks in pursuit of artistic innovation. His fearlessness in pushing the boundaries of genre and convention makes "Night Tripper" a thrilling and exhilarating listening experience for fans of adventurous music everywhere.
