
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Valiumspeed - Be Here. Happy !
Be Here. Happy !
2002, songs: 1

Facts about Valiumspeed

  1. Electro-Industrial Band: Valiumspeed is an electro-industrial band known for their intense, high-energy music characterized by aggressive beats, distorted vocals, and industrial textures. Formed in the late 1990s, the band emerged from the underground electronic music scene with a sound that combined elements of industrial, techno, and punk.

  2. Origins and Evolution: Valiumspeed was founded by members hailing from various parts of the United States who shared a passion for electronic music and underground subcultures. Drawing inspiration from bands like Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, and Nine Inch Nails, Valiumspeed forged their own unique sonic identity, blending dark, pulsating rhythms with confrontational lyrics and abrasive soundscapes.

  3. Album Releases and Underground Following: Throughout their career, Valiumspeed released several albums and EPs independently, garnering a dedicated following within the underground music scene. Their music resonated with listeners who were drawn to its raw intensity, rebellious spirit, and uncompromising attitude. Tracks like "Chemical", "Machine", and "Dose" became anthems for fans of industrial and electronic music, showcasing the band's ability to create visceral, cathartic experiences through their music.

  4. Live Performances and Visual Aesthetic: Valiumspeed's live performances were notorious for their electrifying energy and visceral intensity. Combining aggressive beats with frenetic visuals and immersive stage setups, the band created immersive experiences that left a lasting impression on audiences. Their live shows often featured elements of performance art, multimedia projections, and interactive visuals, further enhancing the immersive nature of their performances.

  5. Legacy and Influence: While Valiumspeed never achieved mainstream success, they left a lasting impact on the underground electronic music scene with their innovative approach to sound and performance. Their music continues to inspire artists and fans within the industrial and electro subgenres, serving as a testament to the enduring power of underground music and the DIY ethos. Valiumspeed's uncompromising vision and boundary-pushing creativity have solidified their legacy as pioneers of the electro-industrial movement, leaving behind a body of work that continues to resonate with listeners who
