
Songs: 2
Albums: 2

Facts about Unrest


"Unrest" is an American indie rock band known for their influential contributions to the indie and alternative music scenes. Here are several key facts about the band:

  1. Formation and Members: Unrest was formed in 1983 in Washington, D.C., by Mark Robinson (vocals, guitar), Phil Krauth (drums), and Tim Moran (bass). The band's lineup underwent some changes over the years, with Mark E. Robinson remaining the constant member and primary songwriter. Various musicians, including Bridget Cross and Dave Park, contributed to the band's recordings and live performances during different periods.

  2. Pioneers of Indie Rock: Unrest played a pivotal role in shaping the sound and aesthetic of indie rock in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Their music combined elements of punk, post-punk, noise pop, and lo-fi aesthetics, creating a unique and eclectic sound that defied easy categorization. Unrest's DIY ethos and independent spirit inspired countless bands in the underground music scene and contributed to the growth of indie rock as a distinct genre.

  3. Album Releases: Unrest released several albums and EPs throughout their career, starting with their debut album, "Tink of S.E." in 1985. Subsequent releases, such as "Malcolm X Park" (1988), "Imperial f.f.r.r". (1992), and "Perfect Teeth" (1993), received critical acclaim and helped solidify the band's reputation as innovators in the indie rock scene. Their albums showcased a wide range of musical styles and influences, from noisy, experimental tracks to melodic, pop-inflected songs.

  4. Influence and Legacy: Unrest's influence extends beyond their own recordings, as they inspired a generation of indie rock bands with their innovative approach to songwriting and production. Their impact can be heard in the music of bands such as Pavement, Guided by Voices, and Sonic Youth, among others. Unrest's legacy as pioneers of indie rock continues to be celebrated by fans and critics alike, cementing their place in the annals of alternative music history.

  5. Reunion and Continued Activity: After disbanding in the mid-1990s, Unrest reunited for a series of live performances and recordings in the late 2000s and early 2010s. The band's reunion shows were well-received by both longtime fans and new listeners, demonstrating the enduring appeal of their music. While Unrest has not been active in recent years, their music remains cherished by indie rock aficionados and continues to inspire new generations of musicians.
