
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Trickster - Move on Up (Remixes)
Move on Up (Remixes)
1998, songs: 1

Facts about Trickster

  1. Genre Fusion: Trickster is a dynamic musical group renowned for their innovative blend of genres, seamlessly weaving elements of rock, jazz, funk, and electronic music into their distinctive sound. This genre fusion not only captivates audiences but also showcases the versatility and creativity of the band members.

  2. Interactive Performances: One of Trickster's trademarks is their interactive live performances, where they actively engage with the audience to create an immersive experience. Incorporating elements of improvisation and audience participation, each show becomes a unique journey, fostering a strong connection between the band and their fans.

  3. Conceptual Albums: The group is known for their conceptual approach to album creation, often crafting thematic narratives that unfold throughout the tracks. Each album is a meticulously crafted sonic journey, exploring diverse themes ranging from societal issues to introspective reflections, further enhancing the depth and richness of Trickster's discography.

  4. Visual Artistry: Beyond their musical prowess, Trickster also showcases a strong visual aesthetic in their performances and album artwork. Collaborating with visual artists, designers, and directors, they create stunning visual accompaniments that complement and enhance the auditory experience, adding another layer of immersion to their artistic expression.

  5. Collaborative Spirit: Trickster has a collaborative spirit, frequently collaborating with other artists across various disciplines. From guest musicians on their albums to joint performances with dancers and visual artists, they embrace collaboration as a means of expanding their creative horizons and fostering a sense of community within the artistic realm. This collaborative ethos not only enriches their own work but also contributes to the broader cultural landscape.
