
Songs: 8
Albums: 1


Syntax - Meccano Mind
Meccano Mind
2004, songs: 8

Facts about Syntax

  1. British Electronic Music Duo: Syntax was a British electronic music duo consisting of Jan Burton and Mike Tournier. Formed in 2002, the duo gained recognition for their unique blend of electronic, pop, and rock influences, as well as their innovative use of synthesizers and production techniques. Their music often featured catchy melodies, lush synth textures, and thought-provoking lyrics.

  2. Debut Album "Meccano Mind": Syntax released their debut album, "Meccano Mind", in 2004 to critical acclaim. The album showcased the duo's eclectic musical style and featured standout tracks such as "Message" and "Bliss". "Meccano Mind" received praise for its atmospheric soundscapes, infectious rhythms, and Burton's emotive vocals. The album's cover art, featuring a robot with a Rubik's Cube head, became an iconic image associated with the band.

  3. Success and Recognition: "Meccano Mind" achieved commercial success, particularly in Europe, where it garnered positive reviews and earned a dedicated fanbase. The album's singles received airplay on radio stations and were featured in television shows, commercials, and films, further boosting Syntax's profile. The duo's innovative approach to electronic music and their ability to craft memorable songs resonated with listeners, earning them recognition within the music industry.

  4. Collaborations and Side Projects: Outside of Syntax, both Jan Burton and Mike Tournier were involved in various musical projects and collaborations. Burton, known for his distinctive vocals, worked with electronic music acts such as Hybrid and Faithless, lending his voice to several tracks. Tournier, a skilled producer and musician, collaborated with artists such as The Cure and Placebo, contributing remixes and production work. These side projects allowed Burton and Tournier to explore different musical styles and expand their creative horizons.

  5. Legacy and Disbandment: Despite their early success, Syntax disbanded after the release of their debut album, leaving behind a legacy of innovative electronic music. While the duo did not release any further albums under the Syntax moniker, their music continues to be appreciated
