Rage of Discipline (Musicrama)

Year: 2004
Artist: Righteous Jams

Facts about the album "Rage of Discipline (Musicrama)"

Title: Rage of Discipline (Musicrama)
Artist: Righteous Jams
Genre: Hardcore Punk
Label: Musicrama
Format: CD, Vinyl, Digital

Description: "Rage of Discipline (Musicrama)" is a raw and intense album by hardcore punk band Righteous Jams, known for their aggressive sound and socially conscious lyrics. With blistering guitar riffs, pounding drums, and fierce vocals, the album delivers a visceral sonic experience that captures the spirit of rebellion and defiance. Righteous Jams' uncompromising approach to hardcore punk makes "Rage of Discipline" a must-listen for fans of the genre.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Righteous Jams emerged from the vibrant hardcore punk scene of the early 2000s, making a name for themselves with their high-energy performances and confrontational lyrics. "Rage of Discipline" showcases the band's unapologetic attitude and their commitment to speaking out against social injustice and oppression.
  2. The album's title, "Rage of Discipline", reflects Righteous Jams' ethos of channeling anger and frustration into their music as a form of catharsis and empowerment. The band's intense live shows and aggressive sound have earned them a reputation as one of the most formidable acts in the hardcore punk scene.
  3. Despite their relatively short-lived career, Righteous Jams left a lasting impact on the hardcore punk genre, influencing subsequent generations of bands with their uncompromising sound and DIY ethic. "Rage of Discipline (Musicrama)" stands as a testament to the band's legacy and their enduring relevance in the punk community.