Richie Cole

Songs: 36
Albums: 15


Richie Cole - Man with the Horn
Man with the Horn
2007, songs: 1
Richie Cole - Rises's Rose Garden
Rises's Rose Garden
2006, songs: 4
Richie Cole - Cool C//Tokyo Madness
Cool C//Tokyo Madness
2001, songs: 3
Richie Cole - Plays West Side Story
Plays West Side Story
1996, songs: 3
Richie Cole - Profile
1993, songs: 2
Richie Cole - Popbop
1992, songs: 2
Richie Cole - Signature
1988, songs: 3
Richie Cole - Pure Imagination
Pure Imagination
1986, songs: 5
Richie Cole - Side by Side
Side by Side
1980, songs: 1
Richie Cole - Hollywood Madness
Hollywood Madness
1979, songs: 2
Richie Cole - Live
1978, songs: 1
Richie Cole - Alto Madness
Alto Madness
1977, songs: 1

Facts about Richie Cole

Richie Cole
  1. Renowned Alto Saxophonist: Richie Cole was a highly acclaimed alto saxophonist known for his virtuosic playing and distinctive bebop style. Born in 1948, Cole rose to prominence in the jazz scene during the 1970s and became renowned for his dynamic performances and improvisational prowess. He was heavily influenced by bebop legends such as Charlie Parker and Sonny Stitt, and his playing reflected a deep understanding and mastery of the bebop tradition.

  2. Innovative Fusion of Styles: Richie Cole was not only a master of traditional bebop but also known for his innovative fusion of styles, incorporating elements of funk, Latin jazz, and rhythm and blues into his music. He embraced experimentation and versatility, blending different musical influences to create a unique and dynamic sound. Cole's willingness to push the boundaries of jazz and explore new musical territories set him apart as a forward-thinking artist.

  3. Leadership in the Alto Madness Orchestra: Richie Cole was the founder and leader of the Alto Madness Orchestra, a dynamic ensemble featuring multiple saxophonists that showcased his energetic and adventurous approach to jazz. The orchestra's performances were characterized by tight arrangements, fiery solos, and infectious grooves, captivating audiences with their exuberant stage presence and musical virtuosity. Through the Alto Madness Orchestra, Cole continued to push the boundaries of jazz and inspire audiences with his passionate commitment to the art form.

  4. Collaborations with Jazz Icons: Throughout his career, Richie Cole collaborated with numerous jazz luminaries and musicians, further solidifying his reputation as a respected figure in the jazz community. He performed and recorded with artists such as Eddie Jefferson, Buddy Rich, Art Pepper, and Freddie Hubbard, among others, demonstrating his versatility and ability to seamlessly integrate into different musical contexts. Cole's collaborations showcased his ability to connect with fellow musicians and create electrifying performances that resonated with audiences.

  5. Educator and Mentor: In addition to his achievements as a performer, Richie Cole was also dedicated to music education and mentoring the next generation of jazz musicians. He conducted workshops, masterclasses, and educational programs, sharing his knowledge and passion for jazz with aspiring artists. Cole's commitment to nurturing talent and preserving the legacy of jazz ensured that his influence would extend far beyond his own performances, leaving a lasting impact on future generations of musicians.
