Reverend Bizarre

Songs: 3
Albums: 2

Facts about Reverend Bizarre

Reverend Bizarre

Reverend Bizarre was a Finnish doom metal band known for their slow, crushing riffs, epic song structures, and occult-inspired lyrics. Here are several facts about the band:

  1. Formation and Early Years: Reverend Bizarre was formed in 1995 in Lohja, Finland, by vocalist and guitarist Albert Witchfinder (Albert Kangas), guitarist Peter Vicar (Jari Pohjonen), and drummer Earl of Void (Jukka Rämänen). The band drew inspiration from classic doom metal bands like Black Sabbath, Candlemass, and Saint Vitus, as well as traditional heavy metal and occult themes.

  2. Musical Style and Discography: Reverend Bizarre's music is characterized by its slow tempos, heavy guitar riffs, and dark, atmospheric soundscapes. The band's lyrics often explore themes of death, despair, and the occult, adding to the ominous atmosphere of their music. Reverend Bizarre released several albums and EPs during their career, including "In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend" (2002), "II: Crush the Insects" (2005), and "III: So Long Suckers" (2007). These releases garnered critical acclaim within the doom metal community and solidified Reverend Bizarre's reputation as one of the genre's leading bands.

  3. Epic Songwriting and Performances: Reverend Bizarre was known for their epic song structures, with many tracks exceeding the 10-minute mark and featuring multiple sections, tempo changes, and extended instrumental passages. Their live performances were equally legendary, with the band delivering intense, hypnotic performances that left a lasting impression on audiences. Reverend Bizarre's ability to create a dark, immersive atmosphere both in the studio and on stage contributed to their cult following among fans of doom metal and underground music.

  4. Cult Following and Legacy: Despite never achieving mainstream success, Reverend Bizarre developed a devoted following within the doom metal scene and beyond. Their uncompromising approach to music, coupled with their occult-inspired imagery and theatrical stage presence, earned them a reputation as one of the most influential bands in the genre. Reverend Bizarre's music continues to be celebrated by fans of doom metal, with their albums and EPs remaining cherished classics in the genre.

  5. Disbandment and Post-Reverend Bizarre Projects: In 2007, Reverend Bizarre announced their breakup following the release of their third album, "III: So Long Suckers". The members of the band pursued various musical projects after the disbandment, with Albert Witchfinder forming the band Opium Warlords and Peter Vicar joining the group Orne. Despite the end of Reverend Bizarre, their legacy lives on through their influent
