
Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Facts about Redskins


The Redskins were a British band known for their politically charged lyrics and energetic blend of punk rock, soul, and funk music. Here are some facts about them:

  1. Formation and Early Years: The Redskins were formed in York, England, in 1982. The band's lineup consisted of Chris Dean (vocals, bass), Martin Hewes (guitar), and Nick King (drums). Inspired by the political activism of the socialist movement in the UK during the 1980s, the Redskins aimed to use their music as a platform to promote social justice and raise awareness about political issues.

  2. Musical Style and Influences: The Redskins' music was characterized by its fusion of punk rock, soul, funk, and R&B influences. Drawing inspiration from bands like The Clash, The Jam, and Curtis Mayfield, the Redskins crafted a unique sound that blended hard-hitting punk aggression with soulful melodies and socially conscious lyrics. Their music often addressed themes of class struggle, racism, and the need for social change, resonating with audiences who shared their political convictions.

  3. Political Activism and Engagement: In addition to their music, the Redskins were actively involved in political activism and grassroots organizing. They aligned themselves with left-wing political causes and participated in various campaigns and protests, including anti-racism initiatives and workers' rights movements. The band's commitment to social justice extended beyond their lyrics, as they used their platform to raise funds for political organizations and support community activism efforts.

  4. Album Releases and Legacy: The Redskins released their debut album, "Neither Washington Nor Moscow", in 1986. The album received critical acclaim for its powerful lyrics and infectious energy, earning the band a dedicated following within the punk and alternative music scenes. Despite their relatively short-lived career, the Redskins left a lasting impact on the music industry, inspiring other bands and artists to incorporate political activism into their music and engage with social issues.

  5. Disbandment and Aftermath: The Redskins disbanded in 1987, following the release of their second album, "The Best of The Redskins". Despite their breakup, the band's music continued to resonate with audiences, and their songs remained influential within the punk and alternative music communities. In the years since their disbandment, the Redskins' legacy has been celebrated by fans and critics alike, cementing their status as pioneers of politically charged punk rock music in the UK.
