Rabbit Junk

Songs: 2
Albums: 2


Rabbit Junk - Reframe
2008, songs: 1
Rabbit Junk - Rabbit Junk
Rabbit Junk
2004, songs: 1

Facts about Rabbit Junk

Rabbit Junk
  1. Electronic/Industrial Fusion: Rabbit Junk is an electronic music project founded by JP Anderson and Jennifer "Sum Grrl" Bernert in Seattle, Washington, in 2004. The duo blends elements of industrial, punk, metal, and electronic music to create a unique and aggressive sound that defies genre conventions. Rabbit Junk's music is characterized by its high-energy beats, distorted guitars, intense vocals, and eclectic sampling, drawing influence from a wide range of musical styles and subcultures.

  2. DIY Ethos and Independent Spirit: From its inception, Rabbit Junk has embraced a DIY ethos and maintained a fiercely independent approach to their music career. The duo self-produces their albums, handles their own promotion, and maintains creative control over every aspect of their artistic output. This independence has allowed Rabbit Junk to cultivate a dedicated fanbase through grassroots promotion and word-of-mouth, while also staying true to their artistic vision without compromise.

  3. Prolific Discography and Evolution: Over the years, Rabbit Junk has released a prolific amount of music, including full-length albums, EPs, remix collections, and singles. Their discography showcases a remarkable evolution in sound and style, as they continually experiment with new sonic elements and push the boundaries of electronic music. From their early releases, such as "Rabbit Junk" (2004) and "ReFrame" (2006), to more recent albums like "Modified Mortality" (2020), Rabbit Junk has consistently delivered innovative and dynamic music that resonates with fans of underground electronic and industrial music.

  4. Political and Social Commentary: Rabbit Junk's music often features lyrics that confront political and social issues, delivering pointed commentary on topics such as government corruption, societal inequality, and the human condition. JP Anderson's lyrics are often provocative and confrontational, challenging listeners to question the status quo and think critically about the world around them. This combination of aggressive music and thought-provoking lyrics has earned Rabbit Junk a reputation for being unapologetically outspoken and socially conscious within the electronic music scene.

  5. Live Performances and Fan Engagement: Rabbit Junk is known for their electrifying live performances, which combine high-octane energy with immersive visuals and theatricality. Whether performing in intimate club settings or on festival stages, Rabbit Junk delivers an intense and visceral experience that leaves a lasting impression on audiences. The duo also maintains a strong connection with their fanbase through social media, online forums, and merchandise offerings, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among their supporters.
