Purple Hearts

Songs: 1
Albums: 1

Facts about Purple Hearts

Purple Hearts

Purple Hearts was a British mod revival band that emerged in the late 1970s and gained popularity during the early 1980s. Here are some key facts about the group:

  1. Formation and Early Years: Purple Hearts formed in 1977 in Romford, Essex, England, during the height of the punk rock movement. The band was initially influenced by the energy and DIY ethos of punk, but they soon shifted towards a more mod-influenced sound, drawing inspiration from 1960s British bands like The Who, The Kinks, and The Small Faces. The original lineup consisted of vocalist Bob Manton, guitarist Simon Stebbing, bassist Jeff Shadbolt, and drummer Gary Sparks.

  2. Contribution to the Mod Revival Movement: Purple Hearts played a significant role in the mod revival movement of the late 1970s and early 1980s, alongside bands like The Jam, Secret Affair, and The Lambrettas. They embraced the mod aesthetic, incorporating elements of mod fashion, attitude, and musical style into their image and sound. Purple Hearts' music featured catchy melodies, jangly guitars, and driving rhythms, capturing the essence of the mod ethos and appealing to fans of both vintage mod music and contemporary punk rock.

  3. Debut Album and Success: Purple Hearts released their debut album, "Beat That!" in 1980 on Fiction Records. The album received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, earning praise for its energetic performances and authentic mod sound. Standout tracks like "Millions Like Us", "Frustration", and "Jimmy" became anthems of the mod revival movement and helped establish Purple Hearts as one of the leading bands of the era. The success of "Beat That!" propelled the band to national prominence and solidified their place in mod music history.

  4. Lineup Changes and Disbandment: Purple Hearts experienced several lineup changes over the years, with various members coming and going. Despite their early success, the band struggled to maintain momentum in the face of changing musical trends and internal conflicts. After releasing a few more albums and singles, Purple Hearts disbanded in the mid-1980s. However, their impact on the mod revival movement and their contribution to British music history continue to be celebrated by fans of mod culture and vintage rock and roll.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Purple Hearts' music remains influential among mod enthusiasts and fans of British rock and roll. Their songs capture the spirit of the mod revival era and evoke the energy and attitude of 1960s mod culture. Decades after their disbandment, Purple Hearts' music continues to be discovered and appreciated by new generations of listeners, ensuring that their legacy as pioneers of the mod revival movement lives on.
