Prussian Blue

Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Facts about Prussian Blue

Prussian Blue
  1. Identical Twin Sisters: Prussian Blue was a neo-Nazi folk duo composed of twin sisters Lamb and Lynx Gaede, born in 1992 in Bakersfield, California. The sisters gained notoriety for their white supremacist beliefs and controversial music, which espoused racist and anti-Semitic ideologies. Raised in a household steeped in extremist beliefs, Lamb and Lynx were indoctrinated into white nationalist ideology from a young age, leading them to form Prussian Blue as a vehicle for spreading their hateful message.

  2. Musical Career and Controversy: Prussian Blue's music blended folk, country, and pop elements with lyrics that promoted white nationalism, anti-Semitism, and Holocaust denial. Their songs glorified Adolf Hitler, expressed hatred towards minorities, and advocated for the preservation of the white race. The duo's music and public statements sparked widespread condemnation and outrage, leading to protests and calls for boycotts of their performances.

  3. Family Background and Upbringing: Lamb and Lynx Gaede were born into a family with deep ties to the white supremacist movement. Their mother, April Gaede, was a prominent figure in the white nationalist community, and she actively promoted her daughters' music and beliefs. Raised in an environment of hate and intolerance, Lamb and Lynx were homeschooled and subjected to indoctrination into racist and anti-Semitic ideologies from an early age.

  4. Later Disavowal and Departure from the Movement: In their teenage years, Lamb and Lynx began to question the beliefs that had been imposed upon them by their family and community. They gradually distanced themselves from the white supremacist movement and sought to distance themselves from their past involvement with Prussian Blue. In interviews and statements, the sisters expressed regret for their past actions and emphasized their commitment to promoting peace, love, and tolerance.

  5. Transition to Advocacy for Peace and Tolerance: Following their departure from the white supremacist movement, Lamb and Lynx Gaede embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. They renounced their previous beliefs and embraced messages of diversity, inclusion, and compassion. The sisters became vocal advocates for peace and tolerance, speaking out against racism,
