Plastic Penny

Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Plastic Penny - 2 Sides of Penny
2 Sides of Penny
1968, songs: 1

Facts about Plastic Penny

Plastic Penny
  1. British Pop-Rock Band: Plastic Penny was a British pop-rock band that emerged in the late 1960s. Formed in London in 1967, the band originally consisted of members Brian Keith (vocals, guitar), Mick Grabham (guitar), Paul Raymond (keyboards), Tony Murray (bass), and Nigel Olsson (drums). Plastic Penny gained popularity during the "Swinging London" era, drawing inspiration from the vibrant music scene of the time.

  2. Debut Album and Success: Plastic Penny released their debut album, "Two Sides of a Penny", in 1968. The album featured a mix of original songs and covers, showcasing the band's eclectic musical influences and catchy melodies. The album's lead single, a cover of The Beatles' "Strawberry Fields Forever", received moderate success, helping to establish Plastic Penny as a promising new band in the British pop-rock scene.

  3. Evolution of Sound: Plastic Penny's music evolved over the course of their career, incorporating elements of psychedelic rock, pop, and progressive rock. Subsequent albums like "Currency" (1969) and "Take Me Back" (1970) showcased the band's musical versatility and experimentation with different styles and sounds. Plastic Penny's ability to adapt to changing musical trends while maintaining their distinctive sound earned them a dedicated fanbase and critical acclaim.

  4. Lineup Changes and Disbandment: Plastic Penny experienced several lineup changes throughout their relatively short-lived career. Mick Grabham left the band in 1969 to join progressive rock group Cochise, while other members departed for various reasons. Despite these changes, Plastic Penny continued to release music and tour, but their commercial success waned in the early 1970s. The band ultimately disbanded in 1970 after releasing their third album, "Currency".

  5. Legacy and Influence: Although Plastic Penny's time in the spotlight was relatively brief, their music continues to be appreciated by fans of 1960s pop-rock and collectors of rare vinyl records. Their eclectic blend of pop melodies, psychedelic flourishes, and progressive rock elements has earned them a cult following among music enthusiasts. Plastic Penny's contributions to the British music scene of the late 1960s are recognized as part of the rich tapestry of the era's musical landscape.
