Pinhead Gunpowder

Songs: 8
Albums: 4


Pinhead Gunpowder - Kick Over the Traces
Kick Over the Traces
2009, songs: 3
Pinhead Gunpowder - Shoot The Moon
Shoot The Moon
1999, songs: 1
Pinhead Gunpowder - Jump Salty EP
Jump Salty EP
1994, songs: 2

Facts about Pinhead Gunpowder

Pinhead Gunpowder

Pinhead Gunpowder is a punk rock band formed in California in 1990. Here are some key facts about the group:

  1. Formation and Members: Pinhead Gunpowder was formed by Aaron Cometbus (drums), Bill Schneider (bass), Mike Kirsch (guitar), and Billie Joe Armstrong (vocals, guitar). The members of the band were already established figures in the punk scene, with Armstrong being the lead vocalist and guitarist of Green Day. Pinhead Gunpowder was initially conceived as a side project, allowing the members to explore a more raw and aggressive style of punk rock.

  2. DIY Ethos and Independent Releases: Pinhead Gunpowder embraced a DIY ethos, self-releasing their music on independent labels and distributing it through underground networks. The band's early recordings were characterized by their lo-fi production quality and raw energy, capturing the spirit of the DIY punk scene. Pinhead Gunpowder's commitment to independence and authenticity endeared them to fans of underground punk music and helped to cultivate a dedicated following.

  3. Songwriting and Themes: Pinhead Gunpowder's music often addressed themes of social alienation, personal struggle, and political disillusionment. The band's lyrics were introspective and reflective, offering insight into the experiences and emotions of the members. Despite their punk roots, Pinhead Gunpowder's music also displayed a melodic sensibility, with catchy hooks and sing-along choruses that resonated with audiences.

  4. Live Performances and Tours: Pinhead Gunpowder was known for their energetic and frenetic live performances, which often took place in small venues and DIY spaces. The band toured sporadically throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, playing shows across the United States and occasionally venturing abroad. Pinhead Gunpowder's live shows were characterized by their intensity and intimacy, fostering a sense of connection between the band and their audience.

  5. Legacy and Influence: While Pinhead Gunpowder never achieved the same level of mainstream success as Green Day, they had a significant impact on the punk rock scene and inspired countless musicians with their DIY spirit and passionate approach to music. The band's recordings have become sought-after collectibles among punk enthusiasts, and their influence can be heard in the music of subsequent generations of punk and indie rock bands. Pinhead Gunpowder's legacy as a vital and influential force in punk rock continues to endure, cementing their place in the annals of
