Full Circle

Year: 2003
Artist: Pilhofer Jazz Quartet

Facts about the album "Full Circle"

Album Title: Full Circle
Artist: Pilhofer Jazz Quartet
Release Date: Not available
Genre: Jazz
Label: Not available

Interesting Facts:

  1. Musical Collaboration: "Full Circle" showcases the talents of the Pilhofer Jazz Quartet, a group led by pianist and composer Peter John Pilhofer. Known for their dynamic performances and innovative approach to jazz music, the quartet explores a range of styles and influences on this album, from traditional jazz standards to original compositions.

  2. Versatile Repertoire: "Full Circle" likely features a diverse repertoire of jazz tunes, including swing, bebop, Latin jazz, and ballads. The Pilhofer Jazz Quartet's mastery of various jazz styles allows them to create a cohesive yet eclectic listening experience that appeals to jazz aficionados and casual listeners alike.

  3. Creative Expression: As with many jazz albums, "Full Circle" serves as a platform for creative expression and improvisation. Each member of the Pilhofer Jazz Quartet brings their unique musical voice to the table, resulting in spontaneous and dynamic performances that captivate audiences and showcase the artistry of jazz music.
