Natural Wonder

Year: 2003
Artist: Phoebe Snow

Other albums by Phoebe Snow

Phoebe Snow - Live
2008, songs: 1
Phoebe Snow - Playlist: The Very Best of Phoebe Snow
Phoebe Snow - The Very Best of Phoebe Snow
Phoebe Snow - Something Real
Something Real
1989, songs: 1
Phoebe Snow - Phoebe Snow
Phoebe Snow
1974, songs: 4
Phoebe Snow - Second Childhood
Second Childhood
1976, songs: 1
Phoebe Snow - Never Letting Go
Never Letting Go
1977, songs: 3
Phoebe Snow - The Best of Phoebe Snow

Facts about the album "Natural Wonder"

Album Title: Natural Wonder
Artist: Phoebe Snow

"Natural Wonder" is a captivating album by the talented singer-songwriter Phoebe Snow, released in 1989. The album showcases Snow's soulful vocals and masterful songwriting, offering a captivating blend of jazz, blues, and pop influences. With its evocative lyrics and emotive performances, "Natural Wonder" takes listeners on a musical journey through love, loss, and the beauty of the natural world. Snow's lush arrangements and heartfelt delivery make "Natural Wonder" a timeless addition to her discography, showcasing her enduring talent and musical versatility.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Return to Music: "Natural Wonder" marked a significant return to the music scene for Phoebe Snow after a hiatus from recording. Following the release of her previous album, Snow took a break from the spotlight to focus on raising her daughter, Valerie. "Natural Wonder" represented a comeback for Snow, reaffirming her status as one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary music and earning her critical acclaim for her heartfelt performances.

  2. Collaborations: "Natural Wonder" features collaborations with acclaimed musicians and songwriters, adding depth and diversity to the album's sound. Snow worked with producer Jimmy Vivino, known for his work with The Fab Faux and Conan O'Brien's late-night shows, to craft the album's rich musical arrangements. Additionally, Snow collaborated with songwriter and musician David Lasley on several tracks, including the standout ballad "We Might Never Feel This Way Again".

  3. Musical Legacy: Despite facing challenges and setbacks throughout her career, Phoebe Snow's musical legacy continues to inspire audiences and artists alike. Her soulful voice and heartfelt songwriting have left an indelible mark on the music world, influencing generations of musicians across genres. "Natural Wonder" remains a testament to Snow's enduring talent and artistic vision, cherished by fans and critics alike for its timeless beauty and emotional depth.
