Concert In Capbreton

Year: 2010
Artist: Philip Catherine

Other albums by Philip Catherine

Philip Catherine - Blue Prince/Meeting Colours
Philip Catherine - Plays Cole Porter
Plays Cole Porter
2011, songs: 1
Philip Catherine - Guitar Groove
Guitar Groove
1999, songs: 1
Philip Catherine - Live
1996, songs: 2
Philip Catherine - Summer Night
Summer Night
2002, songs: 2

Facts about the album "Concert In Capbreton"

Album Title: Concert In Capbreton
Artist: Philip Catherine

Meta Information:
"Concert In Capbreton" captures the magic of a live performance by Belgian jazz guitarist Philip Catherine. Recorded at Capbreton, France, this album showcases Catherine's virtuosity and improvisational prowess as he leads his ensemble through a captivating set of original compositions and jazz standards. With its intimate atmosphere and electrifying performances, "Concert In Capbreton" offers listeners a front-row seat to an unforgettable evening of live jazz music, highlighting Catherine's status as one of the premier guitarists in the genre.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Scenic Setting: The concert at Capbreton, France, provided a picturesque backdrop for Philip Catherine's performance, with its scenic coastal views and serene ambiance adding an extra dimension to the musical experience. The natural beauty of the surroundings lent a sense of tranquility and inspiration to Catherine and his ensemble, infusing their performances with a palpable sense of connection to the environment.

  2. Audience Interaction: "Concert In Capbreton" captures the dynamic interplay between Philip Catherine and his audience, with the live setting allowing for spontaneous moments of interaction and engagement. From enthusiastic applause to intimate moments of shared musical expression, the album reflects the symbiotic relationship between performer and audience, enhancing the sense of intimacy and connection that permeates the recording.

  3. Improvisational Flourishes: As a master improviser, Philip Catherine's performance in "Concert In Capbreton" is marked by moments of spontaneous creativity and improvisational brilliance. His fluid melodic lines, intricate chord voicings, and expressive phrasing showcase his improvisational prowess and artistic ingenuity, captivating listeners with each spontaneous flourish and musical revelation.
