
Year: 1999
Artist: Phil Abraham

Facts about the album "Fredaines"

Album Title: Fredaines
Artist: Phil Abraham
Genre: Jazz, Contemporary Jazz

"Fredaines" by Phil Abraham is a mesmerizing jazz album that showcases the artist's virtuosity as a trombonist and composer. With its rich harmonies, intricate melodies, and dynamic rhythms, the album takes listeners on a captivating musical journey through the realms of contemporary jazz.

Interesting Facts:

  1. International Acclaim: Phil Abraham is celebrated as one of Belgium's most prominent jazz musicians, earning international acclaim for his masterful performances and innovative compositions. "Fredaines" exemplifies Abraham's talent and versatility as a musician, cementing his reputation as a leading figure in the world of contemporary jazz.

  2. Collaborative Spirit: Throughout "Fredaines", Phil Abraham collaborates with a diverse array of musicians and fellow jazz artists. These collaborations add depth and texture to the album's sound, showcasing Abraham's ability to create synergistic musical partnerships that elevate the music to new heights.

  3. Exploration of Musical Styles: "Fredaines" showcases Phil Abraham's eclectic musical influences and adventurous spirit, with the album traversing a wide range of musical styles and genres. From traditional jazz standards to experimental compositions, Abraham's willingness to explore new sonic territories and push the boundaries of jazz music sets "Fredaines" apart as a standout album in his discography.
