Kanikapila! (Let's Play Music)

Year: 1997
Artist: Peter Moon

Facts about the album "Kanikapila! (Let's Play Music)"

Title: Kanikapila! (Let's Play Music)
Artist: Peter Moon
Genre: Hawaiian, Slack-Key Guitar
Label: Panini Records

"Kanikapila! (Let's Play Music)" by Peter Moon is a vibrant Hawaiian album that celebrates the spirit of kanikapila, or informal music gatherings. This album showcases Moon's mastery of slack-key guitar and his passion for Hawaiian music.

Three interesting facts about Peter Moon and "Kanikapila! (Let's Play Music)":

  1. Pioneering Slack-Key Guitarist: Peter Moon is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of slack-key guitar, a traditional Hawaiian guitar-playing style known for its open tunings and fingerpicking techniques. "Kanikapila!" features Moon's exceptional skill on the slack-key guitar, with his intricate melodies and rich harmonies capturing the essence of Hawaiian music. Moon's contributions to the revival of slack-key guitar have earned him recognition as a key figure in Hawaiian music history.

  2. Promotion of Hawaiian Culture: Throughout his career, Peter Moon has been a passionate advocate for the preservation and promotion of Hawaiian culture. "Kanikapila! (Let's Play Music)" reflects Moon's commitment to celebrating Hawaiian traditions, with songs that pay homage to the islands' natural beauty, cultural heritage, and way of life. Moon's music serves as a cultural ambassador, introducing audiences around the world to the richness and diversity of Hawaiian music and culture.

  3. Collaboration with The Peter Moon Band: "Kanikapila!" features performances by The Peter Moon Band, a group of talented musicians who have been collaborating with Moon for many years. The band's tight-knit ensemble playing and intuitive musical chemistry are evident throughout the album, creating a sense of warmth and camaraderie. Together, they bring Moon's compositions to life with energy and authenticity, inviting listeners to join in the joy of making music together.

"Kanikapila! (Let's Play Music)" is a joyful and soulful album that showcases Peter Moon's love for Hawaiian music and culture. With its beautiful melodies, intricate guitar work, and heartfelt performances, the album invites listeners to experience the magic of kanikapila and immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Hawaiian music.
