Pueblo Unido

Year: 2006
Artist: Pablo Milanés

Other albums by Pablo Milanés

Pablo Milanés - Clasicos de Cuba
Clasicos de Cuba
1997, songs: 1
Pablo Milanés - Pablo Querido
Pablo Querido
2002, songs: 1
Pablo Milanés - Los Dias de Gloria
Los Dias de Gloria
2000, songs: 1
Pablo Milanés - La Mas Completa Coleccion
Pablo Milanés - Gold
2007, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Pueblo Unido"

Album Title: Pueblo Unido
Artist: Pablo Milanés
Genre: Latin, Nueva Trova

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Unity and Solidarity: "Pueblo Unido" (United People) is a thematic album by Pablo Milanés that reflects on the themes of unity, solidarity, and social justice. Through his music, Milanés addresses pressing social issues and advocates for the empowerment of marginalized communities, embodying the spirit of solidarity and collective action.

  2. Nueva Trova Movement: Pablo Milanés is a key figure in the nueva trova movement, a Cuban musical movement that emerged in the late 1960s. Nueva trova is characterized by its socially and politically conscious lyrics, acoustic instrumentation, and poetic sensibility. "Pueblo Unido" embodies the principles of nueva trova, using music as a tool for social commentary and activism.

  3. Collaborations and Influences: The album may feature collaborations with other influential musicians and artists, showcasing Milanés' collaborative spirit and his influence on the Latin American music scene. Through these collaborations, Milanés bridges musical and cultural boundaries, fostering creative exchange and dialogue within the Latin American music community.
