Bitter Shovel

Year: 2003
Artist: Outspoken

Other albums by Outspoken

Outspoken - Farther
2002, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Bitter Shovel"

Album Title: Bitter Shovel
Artist: Outspoken
Genre: Hardcore Punk

"Bitter Shovel" is the blistering hardcore punk manifesto by the seminal band Outspoken, unleashing a barrage of blistering riffs, ferocious vocals, and unrelenting energy. Released during a pivotal moment in the hardcore punk scene, the album stands as a testament to Outspoken's uncompromising ethos and unwavering commitment to speaking truth to power.

Three interesting facts about "Bitter Shovel" album:

  1. Activist Spirit: "Bitter Shovel" is more than just a collection of songs; it's a rallying cry for social change and political activism. With lyrics that confront issues of injustice, inequality, and oppression head-on, the album embodies Outspoken's dedication to using music as a platform for social and political dissent. Through their music, the band encourages listeners to question the status quo and take action against systemic injustices.

  2. DIY Ethic: True to the hardcore punk ethos, Outspoken approached the creation of "Bitter Shovel" with a DIY mindset, handling every aspect of the album's production themselves. From recording and mixing to artwork and distribution, the band took full control of the creative process, ensuring that their vision remained uncompromised. This DIY ethic not only empowered Outspoken to maintain artistic integrity but also served as a source of inspiration for DIY punk communities around the world.

  3. Legacy of Influence: "Bitter Shovel" has left an indelible mark on the hardcore punk genre, inspiring countless bands and artists with its unapologetic intensity and uncompromising vision. From its searing guitar riffs to its confrontational lyrics, the album has served as a blueprint for generations of punk musicians seeking to channel their anger and frustration into powerful music. Outspoken's legacy continues to resonate within the hardcore punk community, reminding listeners of the genre's potential to incite change and challenge the status quo.
