
Year: 1996
Artist: Ornella Vanoni


Other albums by Ornella Vanoni

Facts about the album "Sheherazade"

Meta Information: Title: Sheherazade
Artist: Ornella Vanoni
Genre: Italian Pop, Jazz
Formats: CD, Vinyl, Digital

Interesting Facts:

  1. Musical Exploration: "Sheherazade" represents a departure from Ornella Vanoni's traditional repertoire, as she delves into the realms of world music and jazz influences. The album showcases Vanoni's versatility as an artist, as she experiments with new sounds and styles while maintaining her signature vocal elegance.

  2. Collaborative Efforts: "Sheherazade" features collaborations with renowned musicians and composers, adding depth and richness to the album's musical tapestry. Vanoni's partnerships with artists from diverse backgrounds contribute to the album's eclectic and dynamic nature, showcasing her ability to adapt and thrive in different musical contexts.

  3. Conceptual Inspiration: The title "Sheherazade" is inspired by the legendary Persian queen and storyteller from "One Thousand and One Nights". Like its namesake, the album weaves a tapestry of musical tales and narratives, inviting listeners on a journey of imagination and exploration through Vanoni's evocative vocal performances and lush arrangements.
