Board Game

Year: 2001
Artist: One Dollar Short

Other albums by One Dollar Short

One Dollar Short - Eight Days Away
Eight Days Away
2002, songs: 3

Facts about the album "Board Game"

Title: Board Game
Artist: One Dollar Short

Description: "Board Game" is a dynamic and energetic punk rock album by the Australian band One Dollar Short, known for its catchy hooks, driving rhythms, and socially conscious lyrics. Released as the band's debut studio album, "Board Game" captures the raw energy and rebellious spirit of punk music, with One Dollar Short delivering a collection of anthemic tracks that speak to the experiences and frustrations of youth culture. From blistering guitar riffs to anthemic choruses, the album resonates with authenticity and passion, inviting listeners to join the band on a raucous musical journey.

Interesting Facts:

  1. DIY Ethos: One Dollar Short's DIY ethos and grassroots approach to music-making played a significant role in the creation of "Board Game". The band self-funded the recording and production of the album, drawing on their own resources and determination to bring their musical vision to life. This independent spirit and dedication to their craft earned One Dollar Short respect within the Australian punk rock scene.

  2. Skateboarding Culture: "Board Game" reflects One Dollar Short's deep connection to skateboarding culture, with many of the album's songs inspired by the band members' experiences as skateboarders. Themes of rebellion, freedom, and camaraderie permeate the album, mirroring the ethos of skateboarding and its influence on youth culture.

  3. Touring Prowess: In support of "Board Game", One Dollar Short embarked on extensive tours across Australia and internationally, sharing their high-energy live performances with fans around the world. The band's relentless touring schedule helped expand their fanbase and solidify their reputation as one of Australia's most exciting punk rock acts, leaving a lasting impact on the music scene.
