One Block Radius

Songs: 6
Albums: 1


One Block Radius - One Block Radius
One Block Radius
2008, songs: 6

Facts about One Block Radius

One Block Radius

One Block Radius was a hip-hop group based in San Diego, California, known for their eclectic blend of rap, rock, and funk. Comprised of Marty James (vocals), MDA (MC/producer), and Z-Man (DJ/producer), One Block Radius gained recognition for their energetic live performances and catchy, genre-blending music. Here are some facts about the group:

  1. Formation and Early Years:

    • One Block Radius was formed in the early 2000s by Marty James, MDA (Matt DeAngelis), and Z-Man (Zach Robinson), who shared a passion for music and a desire to create a unique sound that defied traditional genre boundaries.
    • Drawing inspiration from a wide range of musical influences, including hip-hop, rock, funk, and reggae, One Block Radius developed a distinctive style that blended elements of these genres to create a fresh and dynamic sound.
  2. Album Releases and Musical Style:

    • In 2005, One Block Radius released their debut album, "Long Story Short", which showcased their eclectic musical style and infectious energy. The album featured a mix of upbeat party anthems, introspective tracks, and socially conscious lyrics, reflecting the group's diverse musical influences and lyrical themes.
    • One Block Radius' music was characterized by its catchy hooks, clever wordplay, and dynamic production, which seamlessly blended live instrumentation with electronic beats. Their genre-blurring approach to music appealed to a broad audience and helped them stand out in the hip-hop landscape.
  3. Recognition and Collaborations:

    • One Block Radius gained recognition for their energetic live performances and toured extensively, sharing the stage with notable artists such as The Roots, Jurassic 5, and De La Soul. Their dynamic stage presence and infectious energy earned them a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim.
    • The group collaborated with a diverse range of artists and musicians, including Slightly Stoopid, Dirt Nasty, and Baby Bash. These collaborations helped expand One Block Radius' reach and further cemented their reputation as a versatile and innovative group within the hip-hop community.
  4. Hiatus and Individual Projects:

    • After the release of their debut album, One Block Radius went on hiatus, and the members pursued individual projects and endeavors. Marty James embarked on a successful solo career, releasing music as a solo artist and collaborating with other musicians.
    • MDA and Z-Man also continued to work in the music industry, with MDA focusing on production and songwriting, while Z-Man pursued his passion for DJing and electronic music. Despite the hiatus, the members of One Block Radius remain active in the music scene and continue to create and perform music.
  5. Legacy and Impact:

    • One Block Radius left a lasting impact on the hip-hop landscape with their innovative blend of rap, rock, and funk. Their music continues to be celebrated by fans for its infectious energy, memorable hooks, and eclectic style.
    • While their time as a group was relatively short-lived, One Block Radius' influence on the hip-hop genre is still felt today, inspiring other artists to experiment with genre-blurring sounds and push the boundaries of traditional rap music.