Remember When...

Year: 2000
Artist: Off the Record

Facts about the album "Remember When..."

Album Title: Remember When...
Artist: Off the Record
Genre: Rock, alternative rock

"Remember When..." is an album by the rock band Off the Record. Specific release date and label information for the album is not available.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Band Origins: Off the Record is a rock band whose origins and history may vary. The band may have formed from a group of musicians with shared musical interests and aspirations, coming together to create original music in the rock genre.
  2. Musical Style: "Remember When..." likely showcases Off the Record's musical style, which may include elements of rock, alternative rock, and other related genres. The album may feature a combination of driving guitar riffs, melodic hooks, and emotive vocals, creating a dynamic and engaging listening experience.
  3. DIY Ethos: Like many independent bands, Off the Record may have adopted a DIY approach to recording, producing, and distributing their music. "Remember When..." may have been self-released or released through independent channels, allowing the band to maintain creative control over their artistic vision and connect directly with their audience.