If the Shoe Fits...

Year: 1992
Artist: Norman Foote

Facts about the album "If the Shoe Fits..."

Album Title: If the Shoe Fits...
Artist: Norman Foote

Meta Information: "If the Shoe Fits..." is a children's music album by Canadian singer-songwriter Norman Foote. The album is a whimsical and imaginative musical journey designed to delight young listeners and their families. "If the Shoe Fits..." features Foote's playful lyrics, catchy melodies, and vibrant arrangements, offering a fun and entertaining experience for children of all ages.

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Interactive Performances: Norman Foote is known for his interactive live performances, where he engages audiences of all ages with his music, humor, and creativity. "If the Shoe Fits..." may capture the infectious energy and joyful spirit of Foote's live shows, inviting listeners to sing, dance, and participate in the musical fun.
  2. Educational Themes: Beyond its entertainment value, "If the Shoe Fits..." may incorporate educational themes and messages into its songs, addressing topics such as friendship, creativity, and self-expression. Norman Foote uses music as a tool for learning and personal growth, inspiring children to explore their imaginations and embrace the world around them.
  3. Awards and Recognition: Norman Foote's contributions to children's music have earned him numerous awards and accolades throughout his career. "If the Shoe Fits..." may have received critical acclaim and industry recognition, solidifying Foote's reputation as a beloved children's entertainer and songwriter.