Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic

Year: 2004
Artist: Noraniza Idris

Facts about the album "Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic"

Album Title: Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic
Artist: Noraniza Idris

Meta Information: "Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic" is a vibrant album by the esteemed Malaysian artist Noraniza Idris. Renowned for her mastery of traditional Malay music and her innovative fusion of traditional and contemporary elements, Noraniza Idris presents a compelling musical journey with this release. "Sawo' Matang" showcases Idris's rich and expressive vocals, accompanied by a diverse array of traditional and modern instrumentation. With its eclectic blend of traditional Malay music, world music, and modern pop sensibilities, "Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic" offers listeners a dynamic and immersive musical experience.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Cultural Fusion: "Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic" explores themes of cultural identity and heritage, blending traditional Malay music with contemporary influences to create a unique and innovative sound. Noraniza Idris incorporates elements of traditional Malay music genres such as joget, zapin, and asli, while also drawing inspiration from global musical styles such as jazz, pop, and electronic music. This cultural fusion reflects Idris's diverse musical influences and her commitment to preserving and promoting Malaysia's rich musical heritage on a global stage.

  2. Fashion Ethnic Concept: The album's title, "Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic", references the concept of "fashion ethnic", which combines elements of traditional ethnic attire with contemporary fashion trends. Noraniza Idris embraces this concept not only in her music but also in her visual presentation, incorporating elements of traditional Malay attire into her stage costumes and album artwork. This innovative approach to fashion and identity adds an extra layer of depth and authenticity to Idris's artistic persona, further enhancing the album's overall aesthetic appeal.

  3. International Recognition: "Sawo' Matang: The Fashion Ethnic" garnered international recognition for Noraniza Idris, earning her acclaim from audiences and critics around the world. The album's innovative fusion of traditional and contemporary music resonated with listeners of diverse backgrounds, showcasing Idris's ability to transcend cultural boundaries and connect with audiences on a global scale. As a result, "Sawo' Matang" further solidified Idris's reputation as one of Malaysia's most influential and respected musical ambassadors, earning her recognition for her contributions to the world of music.
