The First and the Last

Year: 1982
Artist: New Race

Facts about the album "The First and the Last"

Album Title: The First and the Last
Artist: New Race

Meta Information: "The First and the Last" is an album by the band New Race. This album represents a collaboration between influential musicians from the Australian and American punk rock scenes, creating a raw and energetic collection of tracks that capture the spirit of punk's rebellious ethos. With its fast-paced rhythms, distorted guitars, and defiant lyrics, "The First and the Last" embodies the raw energy and DIY spirit of early punk rock.

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Supergroup Collaboration: New Race was a punk rock supergroup formed in the late 1970s, consisting of members from iconic bands such as The Stooges, Radio Birdman, and The Saints. The lineup included Deniz Tek and Rob Younger from Radio Birdman, as well as Ron Asheton from The Stooges. Their collaboration on "The First and the Last" brought together some of the most influential figures in the punk rock scene at the time.

  2. Australian-American Connection: New Race bridged the gap between the Australian and American punk rock scenes, creating a unique fusion of sounds and styles. The band's members were based in both Australia and the United States, reflecting the global reach and influence of punk rock during the late 1970s and early 1980s. "The First and the Last" showcases the shared rebellious spirit and DIY ethos that defined punk culture on both continents.

  3. Live Feel: The album has a raw and unpolished sound, capturing the energy and spontaneity of a live performance. Many of the tracks were recorded live in the studio, giving the album a visceral and immediate feel. This raw production style reflects the band's punk roots and adds to the album's gritty charm, making "The First and the Last" a favorite among punk rock enthusiasts.
