The Complete Set: 1922-1925

Year: 2001
Artist: New Orleans Rhythm Kings

Facts about the album "The Complete Set: 1922-1925"

Album Title: The Complete Set: 1922-1925
Artist: New Orleans Rhythm Kings

Meta Information: "The Complete Set: 1922-1925" is a compilation album by the New Orleans Rhythm Kings. This album gathers together recordings made by the band during the years 1922 to 1925, showcasing their pioneering contributions to early jazz. With its lively performances and innovative arrangements, "The Complete Set: 1922-1925" offers a comprehensive overview of the New Orleans Rhythm Kings' influential role in shaping the sound of jazz in its formative years.

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Innovators of Jazz: The New Orleans Rhythm Kings were one of the pioneering bands in the development of jazz music. Formed in 1919 in Chicago by a group of young musicians from New Orleans, the band played a crucial role in popularizing the New Orleans jazz style outside of its birthplace. Their recordings on "The Complete Set: 1922-1925" demonstrate their innovative approach to jazz, blending elements of ragtime, blues, and traditional New Orleans brass band music.

  2. Influence on Chicago Style: The New Orleans Rhythm Kings were instrumental in shaping the Chicago style of jazz, which emerged as a distinct subgenre in the 1920s. Characterized by its ensemble playing, intricate arrangements, and emphasis on collective improvisation, the Chicago style drew heavily from the New Orleans jazz tradition. The recordings on "The Complete Set: 1922-1925" showcase the band's contributions to this influential jazz style.

  3. Early Multiracial Collaboration: The New Orleans Rhythm Kings were one of the first racially integrated jazz bands, consisting of both white and black musicians. This multiracial collaboration was uncommon at the time but was a reflection of the inclusive spirit of jazz music. The band's diverse lineup contributed to their distinctive sound and helped to break down racial barriers in the music industry. "The Complete Set: 1922-1925" serves as a testament to the band's pioneering efforts in promoting racial integration in jazz.
