
Year: 2001
Artist: New Guitar Summit

Facts about the album "Retrospective"

Title: Retrospective
Artist: New Guitar Summit
Genre: Jazz, Blues

"Retrospective" by New Guitar Summit is a captivating journey through the band's illustrious career, offering a comprehensive overview of their innovative approach to jazz and blues music. Drawing from their extensive repertoire, the album showcases the band's virtuosic guitar playing, soulful improvisations, and dynamic ensemble performances, making it a must-have collection for fans of jazz and blues alike.

Interesting Facts:

  1. All-Star Lineup: New Guitar Summit features a stellar lineup of acclaimed guitarists, including Jay Geils, Duke Robillard, and Gerry Beaudoin. With their diverse backgrounds and unique playing styles, each member brings a distinct voice to the ensemble, resulting in a rich tapestry of sound that captivates listeners and showcases the breadth of talent within the band.
  2. Genre Fusion: "Retrospective" explores the intersection of jazz and blues, blending elements of both genres to create a dynamic and electrifying musical experience. From up-tempo swing numbers to smoky blues ballads, the album traverses a wide range of styles and moods, demonstrating the band's versatility and musical dexterity.
  3. Legacy of Collaboration: Throughout their career, New Guitar Summit has collaborated with a diverse array of artists, from jazz legends to contemporary blues musicians. "Retrospective" celebrates these collaborative efforts, featuring guest appearances from esteemed performers who have contributed to the band's distinctive sound and helped shape their musical identity.