Nelson Eddy - Toreador's Song


Your toast, I render it unto you

Sirs, sirs, for along with the soldiers

Yes, the Toreadors can understand;

For pleasures, for pleasure they fight!

The arena is full, it is the feast day

The arena is full from top to bottom.

The spectators, losing their heads,

The spectators begin a big fracas!

Apostrophes, cries, and the uproar

Grows into a furor!

Because it is a celebration of courage!

It is the celebration of people with heart!

Go! On guard! Go! Go! Ah!

Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!

And dream well, yes, dream of fighting

There is a pair of black eyes watching you,

That await your love.

Toreador, love awaits you!

Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!

And dream well, yes, dream of fighting

There is a pair of black eyes watching you,

That await your love.

Toreador, love awaits you!

All at once, there is silence

Ah, what has happened?

More cries, it is the moment!

More cries, it is the moment!

The bull rushes out

Bounding out of the Toril!

He charges out! He enters.

He strikes! A horse rolls,

Dragging a Picador,

Ah! Bravo! Bull! The crowd shrieks!

The bull goes, he comes,

He comes and strikes again!

Shaking his banderillos,

Full of fury, he runs!

The arena is full of blood!

They save themselves, they pass the gates

It is your turn now. Go!

On guard! Go! Go! Ah!

Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!

And dream well, yes, dream of fighting

There is a pair of black eyes watching you,

That await your love.

Toreador, love awaits you!

Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!

And dream well, yes, dream of fighting

There is a pair of black eyes watching you,

That await your love.

Toreador, love awaits you!

Toreador, on guard! Toreador, Toreador!
