
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Nekromantix - Hellbound
1989, songs: 1

Facts about Nekromantix

  1. Formation and Early Years: Nekromantix is a Danish-American psychobilly band formed in 1989 by guitarist and vocalist Kim Nekroman. The band's early lineup also included drummer Peter Sandorff and guitarist Peek. Nekromantix quickly gained recognition in the underground music scene for their unique blend of rockabilly, punk rock, and horror-themed lyrics.

  2. Influential Albums and Sound: Nekromantix released their debut album, "Hellbound", in 1989, establishing themselves as pioneers of the psychobilly genre. The album featured tracks like "Hellbound" and "Monster Movie Fan", which showcased the band's energetic and macabre style. Subsequent albums like "Brought Back to Life" (1992) and "Curse of the Coffin" (1991) further solidified Nekromantix's reputation as one of the leading bands in psychobilly, earning them a dedicated following of fans around the world.

  3. Lineup Changes and Evolution: Over the years, Nekromantix has undergone numerous lineup changes, with Kim Nekroman being the only consistent member throughout the band's history. Despite these changes, Nekromantix has continued to release albums and tour extensively, bringing their high-energy live performances and horror-themed lyrics to audiences around the globe. The band's commitment to pushing the boundaries of the psychobilly genre and experimenting with new sounds has ensured their longevity and relevance in the underground music scene.

  4. Cultural Impact and Influence: Nekromantix's music has had a significant impact on the psychobilly genre and the broader punk rock community. Their fusion of rockabilly, punk, and horror imagery has inspired countless bands and musicians, helping to popularize psychobilly as a distinct subgenre of punk rock. Nekromantix's influence can be heard in the work of bands like Tiger Army, The Creepshow, and The Horrorpops, who have drawn inspiration from the band's energetic performances and spooky aesthetic.

  5. International Success and Touring: Nekromantix has achieved international success with their albums and live performances, touring extensively in Europe, North America, and beyond. They have played at major festivals and venues around the world, earning a reputation for their electrifying stage presence and loyal fanbase. Nekromantix's ability to connect with audiences of all ages and backgrounds through their infectious music and theatrical performances has solidified their status as one of the most influential bands in the psychobilly genre.
