
Year: 2002
Artist: Ned Ka'apana

Facts about the album "Pana"

Title: Pana
Artist: Ned Ka'apana
Genre: Hawaiian, Slack-Key Guitar

"Pana" is an album by Hawaiian slack-key guitar virtuoso Ned Ka'apana. The album showcases Ned's masterful skill in the traditional Hawaiian music style known as slack-key guitar, featuring intricate fingerpicking and melodic compositions.

Three interesting facts about "Pana":

  1. Legacy of Slack-Key Guitar: Ned Ka'apana comes from a long line of Hawaiian musicians, and he is renowned for his contributions to the preservation and advancement of slack-key guitar music. Slack-key guitar, or "ki ho'alu" in Hawaiian, is a unique style of playing where the guitar is tuned to an open chord, allowing the player to produce rich harmonies and melodies. "Pana" continues Ned's commitment to carrying on the tradition of slack-key guitar and sharing its beauty with audiences worldwide.

  2. Innovative Techniques: Throughout "Pana", Ned Ka'apana showcases a range of innovative slack-key guitar techniques, including hammer-ons, pull-offs, and intricate fingerstyle patterns. His playing is characterized by its fluidity and expressiveness, as he effortlessly weaves together melodies and rhythms. Each track on the album demonstrates Ned's deep understanding of the instrument and his ability to evoke the natural beauty of Hawaii through his music.

  3. Collaborations and Influences: "Pana" features collaborations with other notable Hawaiian musicians, as well as influences from various musical styles. Ned's collaborations add depth and richness to the album's sound, incorporating elements of traditional Hawaiian chants, folk, and contemporary Hawaiian music. His diverse musical influences shine through in "Pana", creating a captivating listening experience that appeals to fans of Hawaiian music and beyond.
