Name Taken

Songs: 2
Albums: 1


Name Taken - Hold On
Hold On
2004, songs: 2

Facts about Name Taken

Name Taken
  1. American Pop-Punk Band: Name Taken was an American pop-punk band formed in Southern California in the early 2000s. The band's lineup consisted of Chad Atkinson (vocals), Ryan Edwards (guitar), Blake Means (guitar), Danny Valencia (bass), and Jonathan Bautista (drums). Name Taken gained popularity in the early 2000s with their energetic live performances, melodic songwriting, and emotionally charged lyrics.

  2. Debut Album "Hold On": Name Taken released their debut album, "Hold On", in 2004 on the Fiddler Records label. The album received positive reviews from critics and fans, showcasing the band's ability to blend catchy pop-punk hooks with introspective lyrics. Tracks like "Cover Up" and "Panic" exemplify Name Taken's signature sound, characterized by anthemic choruses and driving guitar riffs.

  3. National Exposure and Touring: In support of "Hold On", Name Taken embarked on extensive touring across the United States, sharing the stage with other notable pop-punk bands of the era. The band's dynamic live shows and energetic performances helped them gain a dedicated following within the pop-punk scene. Name Taken's music also received airplay on radio stations and was featured in various media outlets, further increasing their exposure and popularity.

  4. Sophomore Album "Hold On": Following the release of "Hold On", Name Taken began work on their sophomore album, "Panic". However, the album faced delays due to various factors, including lineup changes and label issues. Despite these challenges, Name Taken eventually released "Panic" in 2007, showcasing a more mature and refined sound. The album received positive reviews but did not achieve the same level of commercial success as their debut.

  5. Disbandment and Legacy: Despite their early success and promising career trajectory, Name Taken disbanded in 2007. The reasons for the breakup were not publicly disclosed, but the band's members went on to pursue other musical endeavors and personal interests. Despite their relatively short-lived career, Name Taken's music continues to be celebrated by fans of pop-punk music, and their legacy lives on through their recordings and live performances.
