Naked Aggression

Songs: 8
Albums: 5


Facts about Naked Aggression

Naked Aggression
  1. Pioneering American Punk Band: Naked Aggression is a pioneering American punk band that emerged from the Southern California punk scene in the early 1990s. Known for their ferocious energy, politically charged lyrics, and DIY ethos, Naked Aggression quickly gained a reputation as one of the most influential bands in the punk community.

  2. Formation and Early Career: Naked Aggression was formed in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1989, by husband-and-wife duo Kirsten Patches (vocals) and Phil Suchomel (guitar). The band relocated to Southern California shortly after its formation, where they became immersed in the vibrant punk scene of the region. With their blistering live performances and socially conscious lyrics, Naked Aggression attracted a devoted following and established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the punk underground.

  3. Political and Social Commentary: A hallmark of Naked Aggression's music is their unapologetically political and social commentary. The band's lyrics address a wide range of issues, including environmental destruction, animal rights, feminism, anti-capitalism, and police brutality. Through their music, Naked Aggression encourages listeners to question authority, challenge the status quo, and fight for social justice and equality.

  4. Album Releases and Critical Acclaim: Naked Aggression has released several albums throughout their career, including "Bitter Youth" (1990), "March March Along" (1992), and "Gut Wringing Machine" (1995). These albums received critical acclaim for their raw intensity, melodic hooks, and incisive lyrical content. Naked Aggression's music resonated with fans of punk and hardcore music worldwide, earning them a dedicated following within the underground punk scene.

  5. Legacy and Influence: Naked Aggression's impact on the punk scene extends far beyond their music. As outspoken advocates for social change and grassroots activism, the band has inspired countless individuals to get involved in political activism and community organizing. Naked Aggression's uncompromising stance on issues of justice and equality has solidified their legacy as one of the most influential punk bands of their generation, and their music continues to inspire new generations of punk rockers to fight for a better world.
