
Year: 2005
Artist: MxPx

Other albums by MxPx

MxPx - Pokinatcha
1995, songs: 3
MxPx - Let's Rock
Let's Rock
2006, songs: 2
MxPx - Life in General
Life in General
1996, songs: 1
MxPx - Let It Happen
Let It Happen
1998, songs: 3
MxPx - Before Everything & After
MxPx - Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo
MxPx - Secret Weapon
Secret Weapon
2007, songs: 13
MxPx - At the Show
At the Show
1999, songs: 1

Facts about the album "Panic"

Album Title: Panic
Artist: MxPx
Genre: Punk Rock
Producer: Steve Kravac

  1. Return to Roots: "Panic" represents a return to MxPx's punk rock roots, featuring a raw and energetic sound reminiscent of their early albums. Produced by Steve Kravac, the album captures the band's signature intensity and urgency, delivering a collection of fast-paced anthems and infectious melodies that harken back to their punk rock origins.

  2. DIY Ethos: With "Panic", MxPx embraced a DIY ethos, taking a hands-on approach to the album's production and release. The band maintained creative control over every aspect of the album, from songwriting and recording to artwork and marketing, embodying the independent spirit that has defined their career since their inception.

  3. Experimental Flourishes: Despite its punk rock foundation, "Panic" also features experimental flourishes and sonic diversions, showcasing MxPx's willingness to push creative boundaries while staying true to their core sound. From unexpected tempo changes to intricate guitar work, the album offers moments of musical complexity and innovation that add depth and dimension to its punk rock intensity.
