
Songs: 1
Albums: 1


Mu - The Last Album
The Last Album
2003, songs: 1

Facts about Mu

  1. Experimental Music Collective: Mu is an experimental music collective formed in the late 1960s, known for their avant-garde approach to music-making and their pioneering contributions to the psychedelic and progressive rock genres. The group was founded by Merrell Fankhauser, a musician and songwriter, and members of his band, HMS Bounty. Mu's music is characterized by its eclectic blend of rock, jazz, folk, and electronic elements, often featuring extended improvisational passages and unconventional song structures.

  2. Self-Titled Debut Album: Mu released their self-titled debut album in 1971, showcasing their innovative and boundary-pushing sound. The album featured tracks like "Eternal Thirst" and "Nobody Wants to Shine", which combined elements of psychedelic rock with experimental instrumentation and abstract lyrical themes. Mu's debut received critical acclaim for its adventurous spirit and adventurous sonic explorations, establishing the group as leaders in the underground music scene of the early 1970s.

  3. Influence and Legacy: Despite limited commercial success during their initial run, Mu's music has since garnered a cult following among fans of psychedelic and progressive rock. Their experimental approach to songwriting and recording has influenced subsequent generations of musicians and bands, particularly within the realm of underground and alternative music. Mu's willingness to push the boundaries of conventional rock music paved the way for future experimentation and innovation within the genre.

  4. Evolution and Later Projects: Following the release of their debut album, Mu underwent various lineup changes and musical evolutions. Merrell Fankhauser remained a constant presence in the group, continuing to explore new sonic territories and collaborate with different musicians. Mu released several more albums throughout the 1970s and 1980s, experimenting with different styles and genres while maintaining their commitment to artistic integrity and creative freedom.

  5. Resurgence and Rediscovery: In recent years, Mu's music has experienced a resurgence of interest and rediscovery among fans of psychedelic and experimental music. Reissues of their albums on vinyl and CD, as well as digital streaming platforms, have introduced Mu's music to a new generation of listeners curious about the underground music scene of the 1970s. The group's innovative sound and fearless experimentation continue to captivate audiences, reaffirming their status as pioneers of the psychedelic and progressive rock genres.
