
Year: 1991
Artist: Motorpsycho

Other albums by Motorpsycho

Motorpsycho - It's a Love Cult
It's a Love Cult
2002, songs: 2
Motorpsycho - Mountain EP
Mountain EP
1993, songs: 1
Motorpsycho - Phanerothyme
2001, songs: 1
Motorpsycho - 8 Soothing Songs for Ruth
Motorpsycho - Roadwork, Vol. 4: Intrepid Skronk
Motorpsycho - Trust Us [13 Tracks]
Trust Us [13 Tracks]
1998, songs: 1
Motorpsycho - Demon Box
Demon Box
1993, songs: 3

Facts about the album "Lobotomizer"

Album Title: Lobotomizer
Artist: Motorpsycho

Description: "Lobotomizer" is an exhilarating album by the Norwegian rock band Motorpsycho, showcasing their eclectic blend of progressive rock, psychedelia, and alternative metal. Released to critical acclaim, the album features a collection of dynamic tracks that exemplify Motorpsycho's innovative sound and boundary-pushing approach to music. With its intricate compositions, experimental arrangements, and mesmerizing performances, "Lobotomizer" offers listeners a captivating sonic journey that defies genre conventions and challenges artistic norms, cementing Motorpsycho's status as one of the most innovative and adventurous bands in contemporary rock music.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Conceptual Depth: "Lobotomizer" may explore conceptual themes and narrative arcs throughout its tracks, weaving together interconnected stories and motifs to create a cohesive and immersive listening experience. Whether delving into existential questions, societal issues, or personal introspection, the album's conceptual depth adds an extra layer of intrigue and intellectual stimulation for listeners, inviting them to delve deeper into Motorpsycho's world and creative vision.

  2. Progressive Elements: The album incorporates progressive rock elements, such as complex song structures, intricate instrumentation, and thematic development, showcasing Motorpsycho's virtuosity and technical prowess as musicians. From sprawling epics to multi-layered compositions, "Lobotomizer" pushes the boundaries of conventional rock music, embracing experimentation and innovation to create a distinctive and immersive listening experience.

  3. Cult Following: "Lobotomizer" has garnered a cult following among fans of progressive and alternative rock, earning praise for its bold creativity, musical virtuosity, and adventurous spirit. Despite its unconventional approach and avant-garde sensibilities, the album has resonated with listeners around the world, inspiring devotion and admiration for Motorpsycho's unique blend of artistry and ambition.
