
Year: 1997
Artist: Mood


Facts about the album "Doom"

Album Title: Doom
Artist: Mood

Meta Information: "Doom" is the debut studio album by Mood, an underground hip-hop group known for their introspective lyrics and innovative production. Released in 1997, the album gained critical acclaim for its dark and gritty portrayal of urban life, exploring themes of struggle, perseverance, and existential angst. With its atmospheric beats and thought-provoking rhymes, "Doom" stands as a seminal work in the underground hip-hop scene, influencing generations of artists to come.

Three Interesting Facts:

  1. Collaborative Effort: "Doom" was a collaborative effort between rappers Donte and Main Flow, along with producer Jahson. Together, they crafted a sound that blended jazz-infused beats with intricate lyricism, creating a unique sonic landscape that resonated with listeners.

  2. Sampled Soundscape: The album is renowned for its creative use of samples, drawing from a diverse range of musical genres including jazz, funk, and soul. Tracks like "Karma" and "Millennium" feature obscure samples woven seamlessly into the production, adding depth and texture to the overall sound.

  3. Underground Impact: Despite limited commercial success upon its initial release, "Doom" gradually gained a cult following among hip-hop aficionados and underground music enthusiasts. Its influence can be heard in the work of subsequent artists who have cited Mood as a key inspiration for their own musical endeavors.
