Slimcea Girl

Year: 1997
Artist: Mono

Other albums by Mono

Facts about the album "Slimcea Girl"

Album Title: Slimcea Girl
Artist: Mono

Meta Information: "Slimcea Girl" is the second studio album released by the British electronic music duo Mono. Produced by Martin Virgo and released on March 6, 2000, under the label Echo Records, the album represents a departure from the group's earlier trip-hop sound towards a more diverse and experimental sonic landscape. With its eclectic blend of electronic beats, ambient textures, and ethereal vocals, "Slimcea Girl" offers listeners a hypnotic and immersive musical experience. The album explores themes of identity, desire, and introspection, inviting listeners to journey through a series of evocative sonic landscapes.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Conceptual Inspiration: The album's title, "Slimcea Girl", is inspired by the Slimcea Girl advertising campaign of the 1980s, which promoted weight-loss products for women. Mono's exploration of the cultural and societal implications of beauty standards and body image is reflected in the album's lyrical themes and visual aesthetic, creating a thought-provoking commentary on contemporary consumer culture.

  2. Evolution of Sound: "Slimcea Girl" marks a significant evolution in Mono's musical style, incorporating a wider range of influences and experimentation with electronic production techniques. The album showcases the duo's versatility and willingness to push boundaries, setting them apart from their peers in the electronic music scene and earning them critical acclaim for their innovative approach to composition and production.

  3. Collaborative Efforts: Several tracks on "Slimcea Girl" feature collaborations with guest vocalists and musicians, including Beth Orton and Robert Del Naja of Massive Attack. These collaborations add depth and diversity to the album's sound, enhancing its emotional resonance and broadening its appeal to fans of electronic music and beyond.
